Registering for Courses

You must be a member of LIFE in the current academic year before you can register for classes. See the Membership pages for instructions on how to become a LIFE member or  renew your membership.

Unless specifically exempted on the website, registration is required for all courses, walks, clubs, or other events that you wish to attend, even for those that are free of charge. 

Registration Dates for Courses

There are four academic terms: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer. Registration opens several weeks before the start of each term. Exact dates will be announced as each academic term approaches.

Academic Term










Classes Occur

September - December

January – April

April - June

July - August


The Course Registration Process

Registration for all courses, will commence on the date and time listed.  

LIFE Members can register for all or any of LIFE's online courses when the registration buttons appear.

You will need to join as a new member or renew your membership before you can register for lectures, seminars or special events.

Once a course is open for registration, new registrations are accepted until the course is full or until classes have begun. You can add your name to the waitlist for a course, in which case you will be notified if a spot becomes available.

Instructions for Registering OnlineNeed Help Link

To register online, follow these steps:

  1. Have a credit card handy. You need it for registration.
  2. Sign in to the LIFE website with your username and password.Your username is your email address. 
  3. From the Courses menu, select the upcoming course session.
  4. After 9 a.m., refresh your browser page. You should now see Register buttons under each course. If you do not see Register buttons, refresh the page again.
  5. Click the link below the course that you want to take. You have 10 minutes to complete your registration. Your place is reserved while you register.
  6. Select your course and click Save and Finalize. 
  7. On the Checkout page, enter your credit card information and any other missing information. (The LIFE Institute does not retain any data about your credit card.)
  8. If you are only registering for one course in that session, click Complete Order. 
  9. If you want to register for another course at the same time, scroll up to the Courses menu and repeat the registration process for that next course. The new course will be added to the previous course in your shopping cart. When you are finished selecting courses, click Edit Cart to see your order or Complete Order to pay.
  10. If a course is full, you can add your name to the wait list. Someone from the office will notify you if a spot becomes available. You will not be charged unless you are able to register for the course.

Registration Tips

  • Make sure that you are not registering for two courses that take place at the same time.
  • Make sure that you allow enough time to travel from one course to the next.

Registering by Mail

Regrettably, registration by cheque, mail, or in-person is not available; consequently, your mailed-in form and cheque may not be processed.

Accessibility: The LIFE Institute is committed to accessibility for persons with disabilities. Please contact the office 2 weeks in advance of the first class if you have any particular accommodation requirements.